Way to go Granny! [video]

Way to go Granny! [video]

A 72-year old woman foils robbery and holds the two robbers at gun point until the police arrive. When one of the criminals began to come toward her, he quickly changed his mind when she shouted, “Get back, get back, get back. You are looking at the business end of a gun.” Read more:...

Bravo! MO State Representative proposes law that would make it illegal for lawmakers to introduce gun control measures

Bravo!  MO State Representative proposes law that would make it illegal for lawmakers to introduce gun control measures

Kudos to MO State Representative Mike Leara for doing the right thing. He’s standing up to the ludicrous gun control measures that his fellow lawmakers are proposing. As a counter measure, Mr. Leara has proposed a law of his own: to make it illegal for any lawmaker to introduce a bill “that further restricts an individual’s right to bear arms.” Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/lawmaker-criminialize-proposing-anti-gun-laws-article-1.1268069#ixzz2LUifkxuc Read more about the gun control measures that MO democrats are introducing here: http://likemindedcitizens.com/democrats-are-not-going-to-when-a-popularity-contest-in-mo/     photo credit: Alan Cleaver via photopin...

Democrats are not going to win a popularity contest in MO by introducing anti-gun bill

Democrats are not going to win a popularity contest in MO by introducing anti-gun bill

And so it begins in MO and in other states. It’s one thing to see this kind of crap coming from our nation’s capitol – not at the state level. We should be seeing our state leaders enforce the constitution, not the other way around. It’s ironic that Missouri’s state capital, Jefferson City, was named after Thomas Jefferson. It was Thomas Jefferson who introduced the idea of “State Nullification.” “State nullification is the idea that the states can and must refuse to enforce unconstitutional federal laws. We must remind both federal and state leaders that in the American system no government is sovereign.  The peoples of the states are the sovereigns.” [1] Here’s an excerpt of the MO anti-gun bill: 4....

Here’s what happens in a NON gun-free zone!

Here’s what happens in a NON gun-free zone!

This is a prime example of why gun-free zones are an incredibly bad idea. Armed robbers. These are not nice guys. If they’re going to walk in to a place a business brandishing a lethal weapon, the only sane conclusion that you can draw from this act is that your chances of getting killed or receiving grave bodily harm goes up an order of magnitude when in close proximity to them. In other words, your life is threatened! When robbers walk into a gun-free zone, they walk in feeling confident that they will not be met with any force. That they are indeed wolves among sheep. Wolves who at any moment could injure and kill without a warning. Here’s what happens when wolves walk in to a non gun free zone. Two armed robbers walk into a convenience store with...

A man threatens to murder resident and loses – winds up with a bullet hole instead [video]

A man threatens to murder resident and loses – winds up with a bullet hole instead [video]

It all started as an argument in a local Wal Mart which later resulted in one man threatening another that he’s going to kill him. Later that night, the killer tries to make good on his promise by breaking into the victim’s home yelling “I’m going to kill you.” It ends when the wannabe killer  (who already has a laundry list of past criminal charges) finds himself shot in the upper torso and laying in the hospital. A neighbor who was interviewed by local station WRCB had this to say: “Should have a gun, learn how to use it and get a permit and carry it because there’s too many nuts out there,” Reynolds said. Neighbor Dallas Reynolds says while it’s a quiet neighborhood, he thinks everyone should be armed,...

Deli Robber Shot – Store Owner Fights Back [video]

Deli Robber Shot – Store Owner Fights Back [video]

CBS Philly reports how a 19 year-old robber chose the wrong place to rob. After sticking his gun in the face of the store owner’s wife and then shooting at the owner, the owner fires back and shoots the criminal in the chest – saving both his and his wife’s lives. Read the full story at: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2013/02/05/deli-robbery-suspect-shot-dead-in-tacony/ photo credit: Arenamontanus via photopin...