Outcome could have been tragic had homeowners not been armed [video]
Was this the possible start to a random killing spree? Intruders dressed in cammo with possibly more than a dozen stolen guns chose the wrong house. Both husband and wife were armed and engaged the intruders with gunfire. Ultimately the intruders took their lives. Suicide, multiple guns, dressed in combat clothing, and armed to the teeth. Drugs were also discovered. Sounds like a recipe for a mass shooting. Had the homeowners not been armed, would the intruders have stopped at one house, or would they have continued? We’ll never know thank goodness. The local sheriff encourages citizens to arm themselves because of the possibility of incidents like this. Lt. Saulter of the sheriff’s department said, “This would have been a totally different...
Bold Burglars Stopped Cold in Jewelry Heist [Video]
All burglars should automatically be put on the list as elegible candidates for the Darwin Awards. Two men drive up in late model luxury cars, bust through a wall into a jewelry store, and begin looting the place. You’d think they would have noticed that the store had a second story that was a residence. You’d also think that they would have at least considered the possibility that the upstairs occupant would be armed in some way. It is a jewelry store for pete’s sake! Well, they found out the hard way… Read more...
Police Familiar With Burglary Suspect Shot by Homeowner in Self Defense [video]
A man shoots a burglar with one shot in his home. Police say that they are familiar with the suspect as he had been the subject of past investigations. Assistant Police Chief Jamie Smith said, “things like this probably happen every day and fortunately it doesn’t happen every day in our county or neighborhood. I’m a supporter of the second amendment and you do what you’ve got to do and you use what tools are necessary.” Read the story: http://whnt.com/2013/03/13/albertville-homeowner-shoots-kills-intruder/
Miami Victim Kills Robber [video]
An armed robber approaches victim and shoots at victim who is shot in the hand. The victim, in fear of losing his life, turns the tables and shoots back and kills the robber. Folks, just another example where an innocent life was saved because we live in a free country protected by the 2nd Amendment. Let’s do everything we can to prevent that from ever changing. View more videos at: http://nbcmiami.com. Read more about this shooting at: http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/Would-Be-Robber-Shot-and-Killed-By-Victim-in-Miami-195531491.html photo credit: Arenamontanus via photopin...
An Example of Responsible Gun Ownership
When an intruder enters a home occupied by a mom and her two children, he never thought he’d be leaving in the shape he found himself in. She did all the right things and is a great case study on what to do when in a home-intrusion situation. Practice and training: she was familiar with the proper handling and safe use of a fire arm State of mind: she was mentally prepared to not be a victim Situational awareness: she saw the man approach the door and realized things were escalating when, after ringing the doorbell, he leaves and returns to the house with something in his hands She then got herself and her children to a hiding place, secured her handgun, and called 911 on one line and her husband on another When accosted, she did not shoot just one round....
Don’t leave home without it
Things could have ended very badly for this woman if she didn’t have access to a gun. In the early morning hours, she’s parked in front of a bagel establishment, a would-be robber opens her door and shoves her back further into the car. She fights back by kicking him at which time he verbally threatens her life. It’s at that point, she reaches in her glove box and pulls a gun on him. The attacker fled leaving behind a switchblade knife that could very well have been used to kill the victim. And death is what very well could have happened, if this smart lady was unable to legally carry a weapon to protect herself. Gun control? Really? Read the news story...