Miami Victim Kills Robber [video]

Miami Victim Kills Robber [video]

An armed robber approaches victim and shoots at victim who is shot in the hand. The victim, in fear of losing his life, turns the tables and shoots back and kills the robber. Folks, just another example where an innocent life was saved because we live in a free country protected by the 2nd Amendment. Let’s do everything we can to prevent that from ever changing.     View more videos at: Read more about this shooting at: photo credit: Arenamontanus via photopin...

Equal protection for all? [video]

Equal protection for all? [video]

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s decades-old crusade for ridding guns from law abiding citizens continues. She’s recently introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 on January 24. [1] It has been said that her ultimate goal is to disarm every American. She said as much in her famous 60 Minutes interview where she said, “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States, for an outright ban, picking up everyone of them (as in every gun) Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in. I would have done it.” [2] I don’t think political supporters who agree to this kind of thinking has thought this through completely. Unless they want to be regarded as hypocritical and having a double-standard, they should be the first to turn in their...

Kudos to Colorado business against gun control. Here’s the latest… [video]

Kudos to Colorado business against gun control. Here’s the latest… [video]

Erie Colorado-based manufacturer Magpul Industries have threatened to move their business out of state if legislators pass their proposed gun-control laws. This affects hundreds of Colorado jobs and spending of up $85 million a year. Other states are already expressing an interest for the relocation. Refresh your web browser if you don’t see the video shown below: Read more here:

A Historical Account: strict gun control laws do not prevent mass killings [video]

A Historical Account: strict gun control laws do not prevent mass killings [video]

Firearms instructor and radio talk-show host Matt Canovi says it best, “you can’t stop crazy and you can’t stop hate – all you can do is be prepared.” The belief that anti-gun people have is that mass killings are due to the fact that guns are readily available in this country. They seem to ignore the fact that mass killings WILL happen with or without the use of guns or the laws that regulate them. In this writer’s opinion, it’s not the availability of guns that contribute to these very tragic events. It goes a lot deeper than that. Peel away all the politics, all the gun control debate, and what are you left with? A society that has fallen. A society that nurtures and creates the kind of sick behavior that produces a...

An Example of Responsible Gun Ownership

When an intruder enters a home occupied by a mom and her two children, he never thought he’d be leaving in the shape he found himself in. She did all the right things and is a great case study on what to do when in a home-intrusion situation. Practice and training: she was familiar with the proper handling and safe use of a fire arm State of mind: she was mentally prepared to not be a victim Situational awareness: she saw the man approach the door and realized things were escalating when, after ringing the doorbell, he leaves and returns to the house with something in his hands She then got herself and her children to a hiding place, secured her handgun, and called 911 on one line and her husband on another When accosted, she did not shoot just one round....