Concealed Carry App Shootout
CCW – Concealed Carry 50 State Guide Versus Legal Heat – 50 State Guide to Firearm Law When it comes to knowing concealed carry law when traveling to or through other states, its up to the responsible gun-carrying citizen to know and understand how his resident CCW permit applies to all state statutes. There are several resources on the Web that can provide you with all of the information you need. However, it can be very cumbersome to search for what you need with a web browser on a mobile device. A mobile app that can summarize all pertinent information would be a great tool for anyone needing to legally transport firearms through any state. Fortunately, there are mobile apps that do a great job to do just that! We will be looking at two of these apps today....
Outcome could have been tragic had homeowners not been armed [video]
Was this the possible start to a random killing spree? Intruders dressed in cammo with possibly more than a dozen stolen guns chose the wrong house. Both husband and wife were armed and engaged the intruders with gunfire. Ultimately the intruders took their lives. Suicide, multiple guns, dressed in combat clothing, and armed to the teeth. Drugs were also discovered. Sounds like a recipe for a mass shooting. Had the homeowners not been armed, would the intruders have stopped at one house, or would they have continued? We’ll never know thank goodness. The local sheriff encourages citizens to arm themselves because of the possibility of incidents like this. Lt. Saulter of the sheriff’s department said, “This would have been a totally different...
Bold Burglars Stopped Cold in Jewelry Heist [Video]
All burglars should automatically be put on the list as elegible candidates for the Darwin Awards. Two men drive up in late model luxury cars, bust through a wall into a jewelry store, and begin looting the place. You’d think they would have noticed that the store had a second story that was a residence. You’d also think that they would have at least considered the possibility that the upstairs occupant would be armed in some way. It is a jewelry store for pete’s sake! Well, they found out the hard way… Read more...
Police Familiar With Burglary Suspect Shot by Homeowner in Self Defense [video]
A man shoots a burglar with one shot in his home. Police say that they are familiar with the suspect as he had been the subject of past investigations. Assistant Police Chief Jamie Smith said, “things like this probably happen every day and fortunately it doesn’t happen every day in our county or neighborhood. I’m a supporter of the second amendment and you do what you’ve got to do and you use what tools are necessary.” Read the story:
The Ultimate Survival Cookware – Cast Iron
A few years back, our neck of the woods experienced an ice storm that took out power for an average 6 to 10 days depending where folks lived and how close they were to the power plants. It’s in these extreme times that most people find themselves woefully unprepared. Of course there was the usual last minute run on the grocery stores and gas stations, but by the time most folks got to the store, they couldn’t find what they needed as most essential items sell out quickly. Food is a big priority. Not only having enough food on hand. But how will it get prepared without power and other modern conveniences? With camping as a lifelong passion of mine, I’m pretty much set with a basic collection of survival gear. One essential element of my equipment...